Welcome to True Reflections

Our History

True Reflections was birthed in our hearts in the spring of 2007. I was at work when God started flooding me with ideas of an outreach call to sinners through written form. I was overwhelmed, in a good way, with all that He was telling me to do. I can’t remember one ounce of work from that day, not the weather, or the traffic. All I do remember is the outflowing of God, telling me exactly what He wanted me to do, to reach the lost. I was so extremely honored and excited. I had always wondered and questioned, before salvation, what my purpose in life was. Then after I was saved, I knew my purpose, to serve God with the whole of my heart, and to share His Gospel and His Love, Live for Him, so others may see Him in me. I still didn’t know what, if any, calling I may have one day. I rushed home that day, so happy to share what God was doing with my children. I went in, and my oldest daughter, (21) was in her room and my youngest (15) was in the kitchen, preparing supper. I called for my oldest to come in the kitchen and blurted out, “You’re not gonna believe what happened to me today.” At the exact same time, my youngest daughter, said the exact same thing to me, bursting with excitement! Oh, The unexplainable Joy!!! She explained how God led her to reach the lost through her writing. She was describing exactly what God was dealing with me about all day long. All I could do was sit there, wide-eyed, shaking my head, and saying, “I know, me too.” I then shared my experience. She had the same reaction that I did. My oldest daughter just sat there and cried because she was seeing the hand of God. We all knew this was God calling us into the ministry. Our first publication went out as a pamphlet and was to continue going out quarterly. Many years passed. We had joys and heartbreak, and many changes came, good and bad. Unfortunately, the bottom line is that over time, we became disobedient in one way or another. The publication stopped. I was convicted over and over to continue. I asked God to forgive me, but I could not bring myself to start writing again. Praise God, He is long-suffering. He never gave up and continued to deal with our hearts to continue this work. Only by His Mercy and Grace, are we forgiven of our disobedience. Thank you, Lord!

In obedience to the Lord, our pamphlet became a magazine. We were featuring area churches, community highlights, and local businesses, we had a kid’s korner and a recipe of the month, all while spreading God’s Word. We never sold a magazine, but did sell ads for local businesses, as to help with the cost of printing. The first publication of True Reflections Magazine was in April 2020. It was spread over many counties in North Carolina, some in South Carolina and Virginia. It went out monthly until June 2022. Due to the cost of printing versus incoming funds, we had to stop at that time. In much prayer in seeking God’s Will for True Reflections, knowing we could not stop permanently, we are taking True Reflections Ministry online now, August 2024. In today's world, we can, and we are trusting that we will reach a multitude of souls via this mode of distribution.

We Praise You and Thank You God for Your Unwavering Love and Your Leadership!