God’s Peace

Saul was anointed King of Israel even though this was not God’s perfect will for Israel, He gave them the desire of their heart. Saul was God’s anointed one until he chose to disobey God’s word. The anointing was taken from one and given to another, David. Saul who has lost the anointing and is now plagued by fears and anxiety calls for David as he is skilled in playing music and Saul uses David’s anointing to quiet his own anxiety and fears. Saul longs to be in the presence of God again. The music David would play was beautiful and the anointing flowed from David and allowed Saul to feel peace even if for only a moment.  “And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.” 1 Samuel 16:23 We today use so many things to quiet our inner fears. Some use their job, drugs, music as Saul did, sex, video games, sports, food… The list could go on and on as we have so many different amenities at our fingertips these days. However, even if we can quiet them for a moment the fears themselves will never actually go away until we allow the Spirit to come in and drive the evil away. You see when we are outside of His presence evil is allowed to manifest as we are not covered by His love and Peace. Some will even use the church “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” 2 Timothy 4:3 So many want to be free of worry and fear and yet reject the very one who brings Peace and Joy unspeakable. We can pretend and lie to ourselves and fill our minds and lives so full that we deceive ourselves. In the quiet of the night, however, the truth always shines through. In the Old Testament going against God was oftentimes a one-and-done. Thank God for Grace because every single one of us would not stand a chance. I know I wouldn’t as I have failed Him and disobeyed him so many times. I praise Him for His goodness and Mercy! Saul’s disobedience cost him his peace, his kingdom, and his life. He longed for that peace and reassurance back, but it was too late for him. Today God is giving us that opportunity to reclaim that peace or maybe for some to experience it for the first time. We can be like young David who had the spirit of God, and that spirit allowed him to slay a giant in God’s name having no fear. Standing when everyone else coward David, strong and mighty in the Lord prevailed over fear and physical danger. We have the same opportunity and the very same Spirit available and ready to come in and change our lives today. All we have to do is accept it. However, once we have accepted let us not find ourselves like Saul and lose His Spirit due to disobedience. If we find ourselves in a position where we have let us humble ourselves and praise God, we have an advocate who is praying for Mercy and Grace to the Father for us. Ask for that forgiveness with sincerity and obey the Lord in everything and we will be filled with Peace and Joy. Knowing that no matter how hard the enemy tries those fears and anxieties will have no power over us!


A Little Perspective


Where To Go