Where To Go

Mark Chapter 6 talks about Jesus feeding the 5000 with only 5 loaves and 2 fish however after this amazing miracle occurs the Bible goes on to describe a situation with the disciples who were in a boat while Jesus had stayed back on the shore. I am sure it is a familiar story to any who have read the Gospels, but it is such a powerful lesson to us all. The storms started to rage, and Jesus started walking out to the boat and while that is a magnificent image of Jesus and His power the disciples who were looking at this person walk out on the water were scared. Now let us remember these men were with Jesus during countless miracles and had seen the lame healed the deaf receive hearing and the blind their sight. Just hours before they watched as Jesus fed 5000 men not including women and children with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. However, when the sea was raging, and their lives were in danger they forgot to call on the one that could help. Even as they were physically looking at their help, their Savior their fear outweighed their faith. Not only did they not think to call out to Jesus, but they also didn’t even recognize Him as He was walking to them. The Bible said, “they supposed it had been a spirit and cried out”. Again, we can see the disciples’ fear overruling their faith. As we read down in verse 52, we are told “For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.” Not when I see this my mind goes to unhappy, or even disagree with how the situation was handled, angry but, when I looked it up it seems the meaning here was a lack of understanding. The disciples were not fully understanding who they were following. The Power of Almighty God was not fully comprehended here. What a lesson we can learn from the disciples in this story! I feel it is two parts one in knowing and understanding that God is all-powerful and all-knowing but also remembering that He can and will do it for you too if you let Him. The disciples had seen miracles Jesus had done for the sick and for the hungry but when their lives were in jeopardy it seemed as if they didn’t have faith Jesus could or would save their lives. Sometimes we see God moving and working in others’ lives but we lack the Faith to believe He will do the same in our lives and our specific situations. We must believe and know that God has no respect of persons and what He will do for one He will do for another according to the individuals’ faith in Him. We must also remember and believe with our whole hearts that there is nothing too difficult for God to handle from the raging seas to the cancer-riddled body, to an empty cupboard in need of food and anything else that you could possibly be facing today. God is right there ready and able to help, fix, and change whatever situation you find yourself in today all He wants is for you to call out to Him and put your full trust in His almighty power. Are you willing to do that today? Can you let go and remember where to go?  The Psalmist said” I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” Psalms 121: 1-2 KJV.


God’s Peace


Dead, Dried Up, and Forgotten